Create Custom Blocks, Items and More
Multiple Custom Block Entities With Function
Learn to Make Custom Mobs
Learn Java and Minecraft Modding with Fabric
Start the Journey to making your own Minecraft Mod with this Course!
It will teach you everything you need to know about Minecraft Modding. Starting with setting up your Minecraft Modding Project, all the way to making Custom Item, Custom Block and even Custom Recipes and Block Drops.
More Advanced topics are also included, such as Custom Crops, understanding concepts like BlockStates and the new 1.21 Component System and many more!
Custom World Generation and a special focus on Custom Mobs is going to super charge your mod-making skills.
The course will be continuously updated over the weeks and months with more topics and lectures based on your feedback!
So what are you waiting for? Start your Minecraft Modding Journey now and buy this course!
What will you Get?
The Fabric 1.21 Course will include all the topics listed below as well as any additional topics for 1.21 released in the future. Some update videos may be provided for minor versions within 1.21 depending on the degree of change. Currently the entire course supports up to 1.21.1, but not beyond! This course is a one-time purchase!
Custom Crops
It ain't much, but it's honest work. Adding some Custom Crops can spice or sweeten up your Minecraft Mod!
World Gen
When things are generating in the world, you know you've done it right. Be it Ores, Custom Tree or even Flowers!
So Much More!
There are over 60 lectures with many more still coming over weeks and months. Deep-Diving into a lot of modding topics!
Current Lectures (10 Hours)
- Java Installation & Setup (3:00)
- Java Datatypes (8:11)
- Java Syntax (5:42)
- Output & Input (7:28)
- Errors & How to not panic when you get them! (6:41)
- Integers & Arithmetic & Math Methods (6:23)
- Assignment Operators (4:40)
- Boolean & Comparison Operators (7:03)
- Boolean & Logical Operators (3:30)
- If & Else Statements (6:52)
- Switch Statements (4:08)
- Assignment 1: Trivia Game #1 (2:59)
- Solution 1: Trivia Game #1 (2:32)
- String & String Methods (9:41)
- Casting (3:49)
- Ternary Operator (4:13)
- Java Arrays (9:09)
- Loops (8:55)
- Java Methods (10:14)
- Assignment 2: Trivia Game with Methods (2:30)
- Solutions 2: Trivia Game with Methods (5:13)
- Java Collections (16:43)
- Object Oriented Programming Explained (7:37)
- Java Classes & Objects (9:20)
- Access Modifiers (7:42)
- Inheritance & Polymorphism (10:50)
- Interfaces & Abstract Classes (5:52)
- Assignment 3: Trivia Game with Classes (1:15)
- Solution 3: Trivia Game with Classes (3:08)
- Assignment 4: Bank Management Program (1:20)
- Solution 4: Bank Management Program (2:17)
- Anonymous Classes (2:44)
- Enums & Advanced Enums (3:00)
- Exceptions (5:14)
- Lambda Expressions (3:24)
- Generics (3:37)
- Module 1 Overview (0:41)
- Modding Setup & GitHub (17:14)
- Building your Mod into a JAR File (1:20)
- Custom Items (21:23)
- Custom Blocks (16:44)
- Assignment: Add Additional Blocks (3:03)
- Recipes & Loot Tables (17:50)
- Custom Advanced Item (9:42)
- Custom Advanced Block (8:11)
- Custom Food Item (4:13)
- Custom Fuel Item (3:08)
- Custom Tooltips on Items & Blocks (6:25)
- Custom Tags (4:54)
- Datagen (27:47)
- Stairs & Slabs (6:23)
- Buttons & Pressure Plates (3:42)
- Fences & Walls (4:29)
- Doors & Trapdoors (4:58)
- Looking at Vanilla Code (2:36)
- Custom Commands (21:48)
- Custom Sounds (8:05)
- Custom Block Sounds (5:17)
- Custom Music Disc (7:29)
- Custom Block Model (11:26)
- Custom Item Model (3:39)
- Custom Effects (8:17)
- Custom Potions (+ Potion Recipes) (6:00)
- Custom Villager Trades (4:42)
- Custom Villagers (13:06)
- Custom Paintings (5:41)
- Animated Item (4:48)
- Animated Painting (3:21)
- Adding Custom Fluids (17:55)
- Making Horizontal Blocks (8:01)
- How to Spawn Particles (11:21)
- Custom Enchantments (18:06)
- Basic Block Entity (19:43)
- Basic Block Entity Renderer (11:47)
- Adding a Menu to the Basic Block Entity (18:22)
- Making a Crafting Block Entity (40:27)
- Making Block Entity a Horizontal Block (4:37)
- Adding a LIT Property (6:31)
- Custom Recipe Type (16:36)
- Adding REI Compatibility (15:32)
- Sided Inventories (10:04)
- Custom Energy Generator Block Entity (31:36)
- Custom Energy Crafting Block Entity (10:20)
- Custom Tank Block Entity (Fluid Storage) (16:11)
- Tank Block Entity Renderer (5:26)
- Custom Fluid Crafting Block Entity (6:02)
- Module 8 Overview (0:44)
- Basic Custom Mob (36:00)
- Entity Variants (12:11)
- Spawn Entities in World (5:13)
- Custom Mob Sounds (2:43)
- Custom Rideable Entity (19:54)
- Custom Throwable Projectile (19:40)
- Custom Tameable Entity (23:35)
- Custom Entity Inventory (19:56)
- Dynamic Mob Models (3:13)
- Custom Entity Armor (FeatureRenderer) (13:16)
- Dyeable Elements on Custom Mob (8:12)